Thursday, August 8, 2013

I'm home!

I am home now, safe and sound!  In some ways I wish I were still in Texas soaking up all there is to learn from some of the best speakers and teachers from all over the United States.  But in other ways I am so excited be back and to get started applying all the knowledge I gained while I was there to lead the change that needs to happen in our culture. 

When they said 14-16 hour days, they weren't kidding.  I learned to function on much less sleep than I ever thought was possible, and by that I mean sometimes only getting 4 hours of sleep.  So, I came home exhausted but ever so inspired, more educated, radically equipped, and prepared to make a difference in my generation.  I've since gotten caught up on sleep and I'm ready to hit it hard for freedom.

As time allows, I am going to add descriptions on the pictures I posted while I was at Patriot Academy as well as post more pics I never got around to uploading.  I also plan to keep this blog going throughout the next year, so keep checking back if you want to read more on my Patriot Academy experience.

-- Destiny     

1 comment:

  1. They had you learn about changing America while you were on low batteries? And I think you mentioned in an earlier post that caffeinated drinks don't even boost your energy! And I bet that leaving the eastern time zone didn't help any. But the important thing is that you had a good time!

    And also, welcome back!

    -Fredrick Kittle-
